blogonym: sounds like a blog

Sure it does.

Location: Kyle, TX, United States

eh. i scribble. you?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


So. The time has come to re-tackle an old draft and make it new. I re-read the old draft. It had its moments, but as a whole, it blew. The blowing was due to (because of? damn you, grammar) the too-goofy tone in some of the dialogue. It's gotta be elemental, brutal, basic. It has to be pure, hardboiled. Like Mexican Parker. Almost cyberpunk. Just Hemingwayed to the bones of story and speech, right down the line.
The protagonist speaks little. Is an enigma. Both riddle and sphinx. He acts, leaves the talking to others. He is fire.
There are things in the draft I liked. A lot. The women, actually, weren't bad. More about them later. The action beats are decent, but could be upped.
More later.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2008: The Year I Start Blogging. Or something.


It's not like I have all this free time lying around that I can just gather it up and make some kind of quilt for you, for me, for posterity. But what the hell. It's a new year, I'm a year older, and these thoughts aren't going to think themselves into a pre-formatted format.

What am I working on? Oh, that's secret.

What will I share with you? Little to nothing. I will just be As Random As I Wanna Be, agenda-less and free.

What am I listening to: Stomu Yamashta breathing. Have you heard the man breathe? He does it very convincingly. This is the soundtrack to Robert Altman's IMAGES. You should track it down. Great scribbling music. Oh yeah. I scribble. You?

What am I reading: Well, I'm trying to slog through this latest Hard Case Crime book, the so-far-incredibly-lame A DIET OF TREACLE by the otherwise awesome Lawrence Block. Ardai and the gang at HCC should be ashamed for re-publishing this really dated, uninteresting book and pawning it off as "hard case" anything. Just when I was about to forgive them for "The Colorado Kid." Other than that, I'm reading my own script, as I'm rewriting it. Which is entertaining in a very, very small way.

What are my new year's resolutions: Glad you asked. One is to get organized. Activate my inner Martha Stewart. No small task. Maybe, in some alternate universe, this blog can help me do that. Like what's-her-nuts Julia Cameron... the morning pages thing. I could blog my morning pages -- because no one else is actually going to read them. And it's just freestylin' anyway. Check the mic. Is this thing on? Oh, and the other resolution is to make a lot of money. Seriously. Maybe even save some of it in a savings account. They still have those, don't they?

Lots of love. Check ya later.
--Aldo Benvolio